Treasures Tea Set – 4 People - Vista Alegre India

Brunno Jahara

Additional information

Ref. TreasuresTeaset7

Treasures Tea Set – 4 People

In this set includes – Tea Pot 1, Sugar Bowl 1, Tea Cup & Saucer 4, Tart Tray 1.


Product Detail

The new complete table service created for Vista Alegre by Brazilian designer Brunno Jahara, author of Transatlântica, brings sophistication and modernity along with a dash of surprise. Inspired by a selection of banknotes and stamps from all over the world, the author chose motifs, colors and graphics that, by harmonizing with the porcelain, amplify its richness. Combined dynamically, the natural or geometric motifs and the various shades of blue, green and natural nudes avoid any repetition.


Shipping time is 5 – 7 days for delivery of this item.

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