Garrafas E Cantis

Decorative & Giftware

Garrafas E Cantis

Garrafas e Cantis (Bottles and Flasks) is a collection of great historical and cultural value. The bottles, fully hand-painted, are representative of the emblematic figures of the Portuguese people and their customs: the Avintes Woman, the Minho Woman, the Minho Woman Junior, the Alentejo man and the Saloio (peasant). The collection of flasks, with hand-painted finishes on the handles, represents historical moments of great symbolism in Portuguese culture. The Brazil Flask is a commemorative piece of the 5th Centenary of the Discovery of Brazil, with a decoration of the Coat of Arms of Portugal in the times of D. Manuel I, and the Caravel of Pedro Álvares Cabral. The Spanish Flask’s decoration is the Coat of Arms of Portugal and of León and Castile. A commemorative piece of the Portuguese Discoveries. The Portuguese Flask has on its sides the adaptation of a decoration from the sixteenth century, Ming Dynasty, whose main elements are the Company of D. João II and D. Manuel I. A commemorative piece of the Portuguese Discoveries. The D. João II Flask is a special edition commemorating the fifth centenary of the death of D. João II. The Filipe II Bottle presents an original reproduction belonging to the collection of Commander Alpoim Calvão. The Manueline Flask features a decoration of marine motifs and the armillary sphere, depicting the Age of Discovery and typical elements of Manueline architecture, originated in the reign of D. Manuel I.

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